Blog - Sleep Better

6G Technology is Coming: What Would Be the Impact on Our Health and Our Planet?

Radio frequency from 5G and 6G technology is known for causing biological heating. But with wavel...

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6G Technology is Coming: What Would Be the Impact on Our Health and Our Planet?

Shungite stone - Why is it often referred to as “the stone of life”

If you’ve never heard of Shungite, you might want to consider adding it to your crystal collectio...

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Shungite stone - Why is it often referred to as “the stone of life”

Shungite Properties and How can it actually be used?

Shungite is a rare, black, lustrous mineraloid that is composed of more than 98% carbon. It was f...

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Shungite Properties and How can it actually be used?

EMF Health Effects in Children: Can We Prevent Them?

This global situation poses more problems for younger children. Our children's bodies are still g...

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EMF Health Effects in Children: Can We Prevent Them?

How Does Constant EMF / Wireless / 5G Radiation Exposure Affect Reproductive Systems in Men and Women?

Constant usage of wireless devices and ever-increasing EMF radiation levels are leading to many h...

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How Does Constant EMF / Wireless / 5G Radiation Exposure Affect Reproductive Systems in Men and Women?

What are the Side Effects of Constant EMF / WiFi / 5G Radiation Exposure on our Mental Health?

Wondering whether all this exposure to EMF radiation through wireless devices and electronics aff...

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What are the Side Effects of Constant EMF / WiFi / 5G Radiation Exposure on our Mental Health?

Why Children Are More Vulnerable to EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) Radiation and How They Can Be Protected

Digital pollution is rising these days due to EMF radiation. It’s time to step up and advocate ...

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Why Children Are More Vulnerable to EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) Radiation and How They Can Be Protected

Impacts of EMF to a woman's pregnancy and children's health.

Studies depict EMF as a pregnancy hazard. The WHO and thousands of scientists worldwide have arti...

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EMF, Pregnancy, and Your Child’s Health

Understanding EMF and its Effects on Male Reproductive Health , and SleepGift blankets

In relation to male fertility, many studies have shown a correlation between EMF radiation and de...

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Understanding EMF and its Effects on Male Reproductive Health

Woman with closed eyes, electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are all around us and the density of EMFs is constantly increasing. ...

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What Do you Know About Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS)
